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Going home after a hip arthroplasty often leaves recipients fearful that they may be not be able to get by themselves if they are alone, medical industry observers say. Climbing the stairs is only one of the most common problems after leaving the hospital because the patients are not able to flex their hips. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recognized that hip replacement surgery is one of the most common orthopaedic procedures done in the United States. It has already been 50 years since modern hip replacement surgery started but it has already changed the lives of millions of men and women.


    Hospital stays may last for three to 10 days, depending on the pace of the recovery of the patient. Exercise is advised and it may start a few weeks after the surgery. Light activities are introduced at first, such as doing the normal daily chores. Sitting, standing, walking and climbing the stairs are also done for starters. Climbing the stairs is no easy feat, especially when one thinks about the pain and the difficulty of bending. Thus, it is often advised by surgeons to avoid the stairs while the leg has not yet fully healed up. It is unsafe to try climbing a flight of stairs if the tissues are not yet healed because it may risk opening up the wound.


    Men and women are advised on using crutches. Other assistive devices may help while they are still learning to get used to the new hip. Most people would have all the things that they need in one corner of the room to keep them from going up and down the stairways. Fall hazards such as rugs, electrical cords, small toys and things on the floor may be set aside in the meantime. Things that are frequently used in the kitchen, living room or bedroom may be kept within reach without having the need to bend down or reach up. If the things that need to be used are in very high or low places, one may also use a long clamp or a tool that may be used to grab it instead.


    Installing handrails in the bathroom, kitchen and the hallway may help keep one’s balance. If the bedroom is located upstairs, it may be beneficial to move downstairs or make the living room a temporary bedroom while in rehabilitation. Planning beforehand may save oneself of the trouble of dealing with unnecessary problems after the surgery.


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